
Application for Preschooler Class Piccoli Class

If you would like to apply for the Piccoli Class for preschoolers, please fill out the application form below and send it to us. You will receive an auto-reply e-mail.
Our staff will contact you shortly.

Sign up for the Tuesday Course

    Parent/Guardian Name Required
    Child's Name Required
    Child's Date of Birth
    Gender of child
    Adderess Required
    Phone number Required
    Email Address Required
    with our kindergarten Required
    Have an older sibling who is enrolled in kindergartenParents are graduates of the kindergartenNone of the above apply
    *Multiple selections allowed
    Name of the child's older sibling who is currently enrolled at the kindergarten (or graduated from the kindergarten) or the parent's name when the child was enrolled at the kindergarten (maiden name, etc.)
    To prevent duplicate submissions, please click the submit button only once.